What has been going on?!
I know it has been quite some time. Reasons for Timo not to blog as frequent as he did when he first started off:
1) 2nd Year, 2nd Sem Engineering is tough!
2) Been extremely busy! Preparations for easter ..MIME practices..(But it was all worth it ! The Mime performance was great!
3) 2nd year, 2nd sem engineering...
4) 2nd year, 2nd sem engineering.......
5) 2nd year, 2nd sem engineering............
6) 2nd year, 2nd sem enginerringg..................ARH !! My head can like explode any time!
The fact is there are many other reasons but it's because of the amount of time I spent just to stay in the same pace as my engineering lectures (which I am not..don't think anyone in my class is!!), makes other factors to why I am not updating my blog, seem pretty unworthy to be mentioned.
It's the workload I tell you. It is never ending! Like a river with never-ending flow of water. I am in a transition batch...Monash is changing its engineering course from a 6 subject course to one that only has 4. So, being in the transition batch, I am neither in the new or old syllabus. Stuck in between. And what brilliant idea did Monash come up with? 1st sem of every year, old syllabus. 2nd sem of every year, new syllabus! And this semester they are offering us a unit which has NOTHING to do with our course just so that we can have enough credit hours to fulfil. And of all units to offer...they offered us ......*JENG JENG JENG * PROGRAMMING .
Any programming Sifu's out there..my number is 01X-XXX-XXX! Am in a big need of help !
But seriously, haha, if you are willing to lend a hand..my email is in my profile.. =P
Timo @ 9:17 AM